Sandplay therapy


Sandplay therapy in Hilversum, The Netherlands

What is sandplay therapy?

In Jungian Sandplay therapy, the sand tray and therapist together create a free and protected space where clients can explore their unconscious. This process deeply engages the body as well as the earth element, cultivating embodiment and bridging the mind-body divide.

The Sandplay methodology is deeply rooted in C. G. Jung's analytical psychology as its founder, Dora Kalff, was one of the early students at the C. G. Jung Institute in Zürich who developed this method of play therapy while being in close contact with Jung himself in the process. Integrating traditional talking therapy, Sandplay introduces a hands-on dimension to therapy using sand, water, and a diverse array of miniature symbols and natural objects. This process allows clients to shape their inner experiences within the safe confines of the sand tray, which becomes the alchemical vessel of the inner work contained by analyst and analysand.

Play is the mediator of the invisible and visible.”

— Dora Kalff

By transforming inner images and unconscious content into a three-dimensional, tangible form, Sandplay promotes self-expression, autonomy and integration. This approach addresses inner conflicts and psychological issues in a playful, creative manner that is deeply rooted in archetypal psychology, all within a professional therapeutic relationship. The outcome is often a greater sense of balance and the emergence of new sources of energy and creativity. This methodology lends itself well for those in the grip of perfectionism and creative blocks, as well as those who have experienced early developmental trauma or later traumatic events that are difficult to talk about. Sandplay is a safe, gentle modality which requires little to no words.

Sandplay is a nonverbal, experiential technique that complements traditional verbal psychotherapy. It is versatile, benefiting both children and adolescents in play and creative therapy and adults in conventional therapeutic settings.

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