Woman Life Freedom and the Tree of Life
Hundreds, thousands of artworks, animations, videos, songs, poems and memes have been made over the past 7 months to give voice to the eruption of the Feminine in Iran. The images of women’s and girl’s power and courage took over the world in a matter of weeks, and as the Iranian youth kept fighting for freedom in the midst of the most violent crackdown, the world watched; sometimes in awe, sometimes disbelief and at others sheer neglect of the human rights violations that are happening everyday. All of it, the tremendous courage and power of the Iranian youth, especially girls, as well as the brutal cruelty of the government has felt like a myth rather than real life. The above short cartoon summarizes the archetypal eruption from the depths very well. Here is what I see:
Ancient Iranian goddess Anahita grows out of the Tree of Life as a warrior redeemer. She as fertility goddess brings greening to the dry and deadened. Each footstep of passionate rage to reclaim Her tree brings new life to her surroundings. Her determined fury brings hope & life to the people and cures the deadened branches of tyranny. This simple little cartoon tells the most important story of our time; the Rise of the Feminine, the protection and reclamation of the Tree of Life, the feminine as the guardian and custodian of the axis of creation, the axis mundi. Woman, Life, Freedom.